Blog Home / Giving Update: Importing Transactions
Giving Update: Importing Transactions
If you're using another Online Giving platform like Tithely, Supsplash, Vanco, or Pushpay... then we have some great news for you!
We have now simplified the process of importing your giving transactions into the ChurchTrac Giving Screen. Now, you can simply drag and drop your export CSV file directly into ChurchTrac, and let ChurchTrac import all of the transactions and match the names and dates instantly. Seriously!
How is this different from the original way?
With the old import process, all of your giving transactions would be tied to one date. Though this didn't affect total numbers for year-end contribution statements, you would ultimately end up having multiple donations recorded for a date that might have happened on a different date. In many cases, you had to reformat your CSV file too.
What if I use a different provider?
You can still import the spreadsheet. You'll just need to reformat your CSV file.
Learn how to do this in our user guide. You can also create a
support ticket to see if it is possible for us to integrate with your current provider.
How to get started-
Step 1: Download your CSV file from your Online Giving Provider
Step 2: Select "Import" on the giving date
Step 3: Drop in your CSV File

Step 4: And... you're done! ChurchTrac will automatically import your giving transactions and even create additional dates when needed to add transactions to.
This new update in Giving Imports will simplify your workflow and save you lots of time! This will also help you keep more accurate giving records with dates matching each giving entry. Learn more about giving importing contributions
Want to save even more time and money?
The easiest way to keep track of your Online Giving is by using ChurchTrac Online Giving. What makes ChurchTrac Online Giving Great?
- Credit card rates as low as 2.2% for Non-Profits
- 25 cent flat rate ACH transactions
- Mobile Friendly
- Recurring Giving
- And so much more!
You can set up ChurchTrac Online Giving in as little as 10 minutes. Get started
Till next time 👋