With ChurchTrac you can track assets such as checking and savings accounts, as well as record and track liabilities such as a credit card or other debt. This article shows how using a credit card as an example.
After selecting the "Add" button on the Accounts screen, name your liability account, select the "Liability" Account Type, and insert your beginning balance. For this example, we used a "Credit Card #2":
Use your statement beginning date and assign your liability account to the Category and Fund of your choosing.
Edit your beginning balance transaction to include the categories that make up the expenses.
To enter liability transactions, select the date and "Expense/Charge" Transaction Type, enter your reference, and add/select your Payee/Description. You can add multiple line items to your transaction.
If your payment needs to come from multiple funds like in the examples above, you will want to move those monies using a Fund-to-Fund Transfer into the General Fund.
If all expenditures come out of the General Fund, or a singular Fund, continue to the next step to make your payment.To make a liability payment, create an Account-to-Account Transfer from your checking to the liability you wish to make a payment on. Here is an example with the credit card account we made: