Cards are the heart of Church Connect, each designed with a specific purpose. This article provides an overview of creating and editing cards, as well as using templates to create branded images for your cards.
Since each card type serves a unique purpose or provides a specific function, we've created additional articles to walk you through each one:
You can tailor your Church Connect to meet the needs of both guests and members. Watch our quick Pro Tip video to learn how!
To create a card, select the "Add a Card" button located towards the top of the "Cards" tab. Then, choose the type of card you want to add.
The type of card you are editing will determine the level of customization that card offers. To begin customizing, choose the card, then select the "Edit Card" button. From there, you can build and customize your card. You can also view a preview of your card as you go.
You can easily edit the content of each Card, including the card or page name, custom URL path, and title. To do this, simply select the Card you want to edit and select the "Edit Page Content" button.
Next, select the Actions Menu in the top right corner. This will provide options such as Connect Settings, Page Options, and Page QR Code.
To access Page Options, select the Actions menu, then choose, Page Options.
The Page Options tab allows you to name your card/page, create a custom path for that page, and create a page title.
To access Page QR Code, select the Actions menu, then choose, Page QR Code.
The Page QR Code tab, allows you to view your URL/QR code for that card/page.
In "Card Options," you can customize the border radius of your Cards and Buttons to control their square or rounded appearance. You can also adjust the gutter size to manage the spacing between Cards and set a minimum width, in pixels, for each one.
Beyond customizing your card content, you can add your own image or choose from Igniter Media's library to make your cards stand out.
In the slideout menu, select the "Upload or Select a Card Image" button.
From there, you can choose "New Upload" to add your own image, or "Igniter Images" to choose from a library of images.
You can also edit an image once you've uploaded it. Select "Edit Card," and then choose the "Edit Image" option.
The arrows allow you to rotate the image clockwise or flip the card vertically/horizontally. You can also adjust the crop using the aspect ratio feature to fit specific dimensions. Once your changes are made, select "Apply Crop" to save them or "Reset" to revert the changes. When you're finished editing, select "Apply Changes" to return to your card.
For even further customization options, we recommend using Canva. Canva is an application that allows you to quickly create professional images, much like Photoshop, but easier to learn and free to use. We've created Canva templates in our Canva For Churches Guide to help you.
You can easily sort cards by selecting the "grid icon" in the lower left corner of each card. Once selected, simply drag and rearrange the cards as needed.